The Very First Article on Panyizsuzsi
Good morning!
This is a good one! Last week I started to work on my web site. I thought I need a section for media, but I had no publication so far. today I am sure, there will be a section on media! The first article on panyizsuzsi glasses was just published on the net! This is an interview with ma about doing a business and having kids at the same time. I am proud of it!
Read it here! (... if you speak hungarian!)
This is a good one! Last week I started to work on my web site. I thought I need a section for media, but I had no publication so far. today I am sure, there will be a section on media! The first article on panyizsuzsi glasses was just published on the net! This is an interview with ma about doing a business and having kids at the same time. I am proud of it!
Read it here! (... if you speak hungarian!)
Akkor itt gratulálok a cikkhez, nagyon ügyes!!
(aól kimoderálták a hozzászólásomat valamiért)
zsb creations, At
May 21, 2008 at 1:54 PM
Mit írtál benne?
panyizsuzsi, At
May 22, 2008 at 12:40 AM
ZsB, biztos nem moderáltalak ki, csak nem jelennek meg azonnal a hozzászólások, előbb moderációs sorba kerülnek, különben teli lenne az oldal spamekkel :(
laikus, At
May 24, 2008 at 7:56 AM
Hi! I just purchased some items from you in etsy, and got here following links.
Congrats on the feature. Would be nice to read (though, naturally no obligation for a translation :) ). As an artist and mother sometimes I find myself juggling to many balls up in the air!
Congrats on your success. Your art is just beautiful!
Mariana, At
May 24, 2008 at 10:27 PM
woww a real article about you... congrats Zsuzsi!!!
ixela, At
May 25, 2008 at 2:41 PM
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